Monday, August 4, 2008

She did it!! Lily has successfully completed her first day of school! Mom did pretty good too, all things considering. I dropped her off, and took some pics and didn't even get teary eyed! That is, until Lily was out of sight....once she disappeared in to the school, my throat constricted, my eyes misted, and I called my own mom!! It was a very mixed emotion; happy for Lily, anxious for her to do well, and make new friends, and sad for me, because I feel my daughter growing up and changing, and I miss her already. AND SHE IS ONLY IN KINDERGARTEN!!! :{
All is well though. When I picked her up, I asked her how her day went, and she said that they can't sit on their knees, they have to sit like an indian, it's a special rule. She also said that she got her nametag, put it on, colored a picture of her very own puppy, and practiced recess! I wish we all could practice recess a little more!! Oh yes, she had fruit snacks too! Tomorrow we get to do it again, and then next day etc. I guess it feels like I am tied in to her schooling now, more so than when she was at day care. I don't mind it a bit though. The only hard part will be the scheduling. It is hard to have a commitment every day when you are used to having free time every day. Not really free time, motherhood is very busy....but still...thinking about getting her up and ready every single day, and taking her there, and picking her up...exhausting!! And wonderful!! and sad, and strange. Who knows! When I sort out all these mixed feelings, I will drop another line out there and let you all know how it is going!
pics of her first day are forthcoming as well! I used a disposable camera because I could not find our digital. Now I just need to get them developed on to a disc. hehehehe never a dull moment!


Angela's Crazy Daily's said...

Man i cant believe that my oldest and only niece, (for now :))is going to school! she must love it! HURRAY!

KathE said...

I teared up reading this. Thanks for writing. :)